Reflection 2
Reflection 1
Reflection 3
Reflection 4
Reflection 5
Reflection 6
Reflection 2
Reflection 2

In the series Reflections, through images that overlap in shape, line and texture, I display a parallel between the earth and the celestial. These artworks specifically highlight the resemblance of form of the same element, water, in different states of being, within the two realms. This is objectively evident in the mirroring of natural conformations of the same essence in unique and ephemeral forms. Ultimately, these images are also figurative reflections of a common and everlasting origin. Although one seems more concrete than the other, both are real and true. In fact, the tangible is derivative.

Reflection 1
Reflection 1
Reflection 3
Reflection 3
Reflection 4
Reflection 4
Reflection 5
Reflection 5
Reflection 6
Reflection 6