And there was light
Hovering over the waters
Gathering of waters
Bringing forth creatures from the land II
Bringing forth creatures from the land I
Aglow in the heavens
Sweet scent on the wind
Let the earth sprout vegetation
Joy across the vault of the sky
Beauty of its kind
And there was evening and there was morning - the third day I
And there was evening and there was morning - the third day II
And there was evening and there was morning - the third day III
Tenderness upon the Earth
Let them fly
Plum Delight
Bearing Pears
Bearing Plums
And there was light
And there was light

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

“In the Beginning” is the result of a selected collection of images inspired by the creation account described in Genesis chapter one. In this series, Nanda uses different techniques of layering, depth perspective and movement to abstract the shapes and colours of nature as well as capturing the literality of it. These images strive to imagine terraforming from God’s perspective.

Nanda specifically uses motion to represent the span of time involved in the physical act of molding life into being. Similarly, her images are layered to symbolize the ever increasing diversity and complexity in the unfolding creation story. Her abstract images invite wonderment and anticipation of what is to come and carry the observer into a clearer focus of more literal representations of the completed creation, settled into familiar, recognizable shapes ready to be named.

Hovering over the waters
Hovering over the waters

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

Gathering of waters
Gathering of waters

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

Bringing forth creatures from the land II
Bringing forth creatures from the land II

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

Bringing forth creatures from the land I
Bringing forth creatures from the land I

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

Aglow in the heavens
Aglow in the heavens

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

Sweet scent on the wind
Sweet scent on the wind

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

Let the earth sprout vegetation
Let the earth sprout vegetation

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

Joy across the vault of the sky
Joy across the vault of the sky

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

Beauty of its kind
Beauty of its kind

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

And there was evening and there was morning - the third day I
And there was evening and there was morning - the third day I

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

And there was evening and there was morning - the third day II
And there was evening and there was morning - the third day II

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

And there was evening and there was morning - the third day III
And there was evening and there was morning - the third day III

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

Tenderness upon the Earth
Tenderness upon the Earth

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

Let them fly
Let them fly

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

Plum Delight
Plum Delight

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

Bearing Pears
Bearing Pears

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024

Bearing Plums
Bearing Plums

Edition 1/7 on show at Sydney Road Gallery until April 21st 2024